Hi! A lot of you said you loved all the information on my site, but found there was too much to read in a sitting. Why not put it in an e-book, you asked?
So, by popular demand, the Mongolia Travel Advice e-book was born! Rather than have to read through over 70 lengthy web pages on your computer, you can now access all the information from your e-reader. This means the information will be readily at hand once you actually visit Mongolia.
Now, I did have to pay a tech wizz to convert all the pages to e-book format for me (fun job!), so I need to charge you US $7 to help recover the cost. That's only $7 for all the information you need, right at your fingertips!
The e-book is available in both EPUB and AZW (i.e. Kindle) formats.
To order and download the Mongolia Travel Advice e-book, enter your details below and proceed to the checkout.
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